
A monolithic, ancient church that stands alone in the very depths of the woods rumoured to be the home of the mysterious, tall woman who haunts the woods. It's enormous wooden doors bear a carved relief depicting a flock of horrific ravens in flight which many claim are alive in some form or another. None who pass through these doors into the labyrinthine bowels of the chapel return the same, and some do not return at all...
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The Chapel
A large natural field that is filled with pale rock formations that grow a species of bioluminescent fungus, fleshy looking ferns, and circles of fat, red-capped mushrooms. Considered to be a sacred place for various Humanoids, nonGfted and Gifted avoid it out of superstition. It is rumored that laughter can be heard echoing from the area on nights when the moon is bright.
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Faerie Fields
A large, abandoned, but eerily intact shack that has been declared "haunted" by students and locals for generations. There is nothing inside it, but the floor has a collection of fresh footprints scuffed into the dirt floor daily.
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Ghost Shack

Wilde Woods

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Jan 2, 2015 10:23:51 GMT 9.5


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Wilde Woods
Thick, sprawling forest filled with gnarled trees and dark pines. A few saline rivers run through it towards the coast.
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